How to wear a Graduation Stole & Sash

How to wear a Graduation Stole & Sash

It's important to know how to wear a graduation stole correctly, as it is a formal attire for a special occasion such as a graduation ceremony. Wearing a stole or sash in the proper way is a sign of respect for the event and the institution, and it helps to create a cohesive and professional appearance for the graduates. Additionally, knowing how to wear the stole can help you feel more confident and prepared on your big day.

A graduation sash is typically worn over one shoulder and across the chest, hanging down the front of the body. The specific way to wear it may vary, so it's recommended to follow the guidelines provided by the school or organization you are graduating from. Some general tips include:

  • Place the sash over your head so that it rests on your shoulder
  • Center the sash on your chest so that it is symmetrical
  • Adjust the sash so that it is straight and smooth, with equal lengths on both sides
  • Ensure that any emblem, emblem or lettering on the sash is facing forward and visible.

A graduation stole is typically worn over one shoulder and across the chest, hanging down both the front and back of the body. The specific way to wear it may vary, so it's recommended to follow the guidelines provided by the school or organization you are graduating from. Some general tips include:

  • Place the stole over your head so that it rests on your shoulders
  • Center the stole on your chest so that it is symmetrical
  • Adjust the stole so that it is straight and smooth, with equal lengths on both sides
  • Ensure that the emblem, emblem or lettering on the stole is facing forward and visible.
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