Collection: Intertwined Three Color Honor Cords

Collection: Intertwined Three Color Honor Cords

Honor cords are a type of graduation regalia worn by students who have achieved academic honors. Intertwined three color honor cords consist of three separate cords that are braided together to form a single cord. The three colors can represent different honors or achievements, and are usually chosen by the school or organization that is presenting the honors.

For example, the three colors may represent different levels of academic achievement (e.g. gold for highest honors, silver for high honors, and bronze for honors), different academic disciplines (e.g. one color for science, one for history, and one for mathematics), or different student organizations or clubs (e.g. one color for the National Honor Society, one for the Spanish Club, and one for the Student Council).

Intertwined three color honor cords are typically worn around the neck, draped over the graduate's gown. They are a visible symbol of the graduate's academic achievements and serve as a source of pride and motivation for future academic endeavors.

Wearing honor cords during graduation ceremonies is an important tradition in many schools and universities, and helps to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of the graduating students.